I flew out to NYC this weekend to visit my good friend Jeff Rogers (who is an amazing illustrator and designer and will have a few items in our General Store shortly). Jeff works for Spotco and designs posters for Broadway shows. He hooked us up with some free tickets to opening night of A Behanding in Spokane with Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell.
The show was absolutely hilarious! Walken was in classic form and the rest of the cast was incredible as well. If you're going to be in NY between now and June 6th, I highly recommend it.
Ok, now it's time to namedrop a few of the celebrities we encountered there! Hugh Jackman was sitting down the row from us. I brushed past David Hyde Pierce, Peter Dinklage, and Jason Sudeikis. Ricky Bobby's wife Leslie Bibb was there as well.
Curtis Hale