Design Shine
As you can tell from our web site, we're fanatics about design. For us, it's so important. It's like you know how a beautiful dress needs an awesome pair of shoes? And an amazing suit needs an outstanding tie? Or a fine shirt looks so much better with cufflinks? Well, when it comes to design for our clients and their web sites, we give them the beautiful dress, the awesome shoes, the amazing suit, the outstanding tie, the fine shirt AND the cufflinks. It sets them apart. And you know what? Great design translates to better sales. It just does. It's a beautiful world, and your clients deserve to look at beautiful design for your brand. Functionality Reality Yes, it's very important to have a well designed web site, but if it doesn't work right you can be left in the dust. It's one thing for Lance Armstrong to ride around on a beautiful bike. But if it can't win him the Tour de France? Well, you get the point. So don't let anybody talk you into having a site so complex that your clients need an owner's manual just to navigate it. Less is more will always be…well…more. So make sure your web site captures your core message, make sure it's easy to buy your products or services, and make sure your clients don't have to have a degree in rocket science just to navigate it. A web site is your window to the world. Open it!
PR Blast to Last
Let's face it, the brands which are the most successful over time are the ones with excellent products and services, but also the ones which continually get talked about in the media. And customers will always believe what they read in features more than ads. So one of our specialties at The Old State is what we call the PR Blast. Yes, that means blast the entire world media with your message. It works, it's fast, and it's effective. An amazing web site works so much better for you when the whole world knows about it! So be proactive and make sure to blanket the media and the Internet with a clever story about your brand, on a systematic basis. The media is always on deadline for a good story, so give it to them and you win big! We have a proven system down where we leave no stone unturned for you, and as the result have provided our clients with many media placements which resulted in many opportunities for them. At The Old State we don't believe in your "15 Minutes of Fame"….we think media exposure over and over and over is much more like it! Contact us and we'll develop a very specific program which gets results for you. We do everything from copywriting to implementation to monitoring results. So get your game face on, because you and your brand are about to be famous!
Bells and Whistles
Oh technology. It changes more than our beloved sisters change their clothes. Or our brothers, for that matter. And don't we love em? Yes we do. But keeping up with technology can be daunting. At The Old State, keeping up with it is infinitely fascinating to us. We're those guys who love to tinker with…. and study…every bell and whistle that comes out. But we're also business people, and we don't add something into the mix for our clients just to add it. We analyze to the point of compulsion before we implement something. We want to make sure it benefits our clients, not just complicates their life. Or their customers' lives. To us, the important thing is to get results from our web sites. So sit back and relax, because we'll keep up with all those bells and whistles for you. If a new one will help you, you can bet we'll bring it to you. Just consider us your Bell and Whistle Doctor, so you don't have to think about it. Now that's a good reason to whistle.
Curtis Hale