They always say that Dallas is the #1 city for business, and they're right. But there is something else about Texas in general that's true...and that is it's an epicenter of everything new and exciting going on in technology and design. Wow, we have been fortunate enough to now be working with some of the best brands including NorthPark Center (their new site will be awesome!), PaperCity Magazine, D Magazine, Jan Showers & Associates, Ceylon et Cie and many others. And let me tell you, they are all at the cutting edge of technology and design because they know it works, they know it creates sales. And they have been amazing at letting us take everything to the next level for them. So Texas is not just #1 in business, it's also becoming #1 all the way around!
Web Sight
Death and taxes are not the only certainties in life. If you build a better mousetrap, the world WILL beat a path to your door. So make sure you have the foresight to keep your website fresh and current. It will always be your window to the world, and no tool is more powerful in building your business....but only if done right. Don't let your website be an afterthought. Make sure it shines like a brand new penny every single day. Because the new math online means that that shiny new penny will turn into many dollars for your brand!
Mine Online
Take what is rightfully yours online. That's the great thing about the Internet, you can control it if you know what you're doing. That's where we come in, we take that burden off your hands. You need to focus on your core business, let us focus on making sure your brand is front and center on the Web. It's one of those things where you get out of it what you put into it. If you have a great online presence that's well-thought-out and implemented effectively, it works like no other tool in the world. And if it's not well-thought-out? Well, let's not go there because you know the answer to that one. But the bottom line is you need an awesome site, great branding, amazing functionality, excellent Search Engine Optimization and all the great things available to you to drive your business to the next level. We're here to help you when you're ready. It'll be very liberating for you. We promise.
Design So Fine
You know how an image can catch your eye, make you read something, and then you find yourself standing in the check-out line to buy the product? Bingo, they gotcha. But hey, it's just good business and it can work for you just as easily. It's called good design, and it's a powerful tool you must make sure you implement with stellar efficiency for you and your brand. A picture will ALWAYS be worth a thousand words, and it's our specialty to make sure your design for your brand catches the eye of new customers 24/7. Good design can tell your story in an instant. Bad design? Well, not so much. So make sure your design is fine!
Curtis Hale