Architectural Digest once said that the styles of objects that will work with any decor are Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Interiors themed to classic, modern, antique or in Art Nouveau or Art Deco sculpture, painting, bottle, piece of crystal, poster or piece of furniture always works with anything!

Art Nouveau means "new art" in French, and was most popular from 1890 to 1905. The style is highly decorative with swooping and swirling lines and vivid colors. Art Deco is a design style that began in Paris in the 1920's and continued into the 30's. Authentic pieces from these periods are highly prized, and always will be. They are both elegant and glamorous styles, featuring exquisite materials, innovative graphic design and beautiful and ornate symmetry. Art Deco was the culmination of many styles and inspired by Art Nouveau, Neoclassical, Constructivism, Cubism, Modernism and Futurism. It also was greatly inspired by Eqyptian and Aztec art.

Many of us associate Miami Beach Florida with Art Deco today, but it is also widely represented in New York. The Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building and Rockefeller Center are the obvious standouts in architecture for the Art Deco period. Lalique is an obvious standout for crystal and glass, as are magnificent and extremely collectible Tiffany Lamps. Jewelry was also greatly inspired during the periods. Sculpture and furniture were also known stunners. Shown below you'll find some of my favorite examples from both the Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods.

Maybe the time to start collecting these authentic items is now, as they will no doubt always go up up up in value! If there is one other thing that never goes out of's quality! And these periods are known for their exquisite attention to detail and their stunning quality of design and materials.