At The Old State, we will always enjoy the design process. And excellent design and branding for your business is vital for your success. We've designed a million logos, for example, and collateral materials like letterhead and business cards must put your very best foot forward. And when it comes to your branding, logo and collateral materials, it will never pay to shortcut or penny pinch. It must be brilliant.

An inspired logo needs to be polished and professional without going overboard. It must subtly tell your brand's story, and it must let your client base know that this is a company they are proud to do business with. We've designed logos for some of the best companies anywhere, and quite frankly it's one of our favorite processes. Why? Well, it's because it's the ultimate show and tell, and it's one of the most important investments you can make in your business. And for us, it's always thrilling to see how polished and inspired branding can immediately impact our clients' businesses.

The time you know that amazing letterhead and business cards are so important is when you see truly inspired versions of both. Fine papers are paramount, as the quality can be seen and felt immediately. This announces loud and clear to both old and new clients that you care about the details. And there's one very important thing we've learned about very fine business cards.....people simply do not want to throw such a nice object away. So add it all up, and great branding across the board will always translate to a clear message that you care about quality at every turn.

So in a world that's cluttered and fast paced, make sure to focus on your details. Call The Old State today for an appointment to come by to see our portfolio of actual completed work. It is at that moment that you'll quickly realize we know exactly what we're doing. And that we enjoy every single part of the process.

Best regards,
Travis McElroy